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Monday, 3 October 2011


Motorbike is very important for the people of the modern age. It support a lot of advantages. As it is the need of every people because time is going very fast and we have to do a lot of works within a very short span of time. In this situation motorbike assist to do the work faster as much as we can do, because it contains the wheel. Inspite of it many people use it for racing. As we are well aware that there happen a lot of accidents in the racing place. In such case sometimes motorbikes damage thorouly. And every expenditures on motorbike goes useless.
             But we have the solution for the problem for the expenditures on the motorbikes due to accidents being caused by the motorbikes.We are offering you a very cheapest insurance policy. It is so economical than what other companies are offering. It helps you to save money.
Our current policy is in catalogue as under:

  • Advance money is just Rs. 10,000/-
  • Equal installment paid semiannually is Rs. 2500/-
  • Backed up by the cost of motorbike if it damaged by accident occurred during the race.
  • Half amount would be paid if it is damaged as the result of obsolescence.
  • New motorbike would be offered if it is no longer in use.
As we mentioned above, now its completely under your knowledge what is being offered by our company.
We assure you that you would enjoy benefits by what we offer. And you would find the best of the other policies of insurance offering by the other companies.

Important Note: As these benefits are in your favor and be happy as we are offering the discount in the principal amount if you avail this opportunity before the end of the month.
You would have pay only 5000 initially if you purchase our  policy.
Don’t waste time anymore and purchase it as early as possible.

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